Management: "There's money in ordering disorder. Chaos pays!"
October at 08:00 UTC
October at 18:00 UTC
October at 18:00 UTC
Phase 2 begins 3rd of October. Using both Phase 0 and Phase 1 data, you will now predict
sales for Phase 2. This second phase will last two weeks, but unlike Phase 1, there will be
no leaderboard updates until the competition ends – only the last submission for Phase 2
will be taken into account.
Phase 1 – Starts on Thursday, the 12th of September (08:00 AM UTC) and ends on the 3rd of October (07:59 AM UTC)
Phase 2 – Starts on Thursday, the 3rd of October (08:00 AM UTC) and ends on Thursday, the 17th of October (18:00 PM UTC)
Winner announcement – Last week of October (Week of 28th of October)
Online conference for winners to present their solutions & insights – November 2024
Note: The competition organizers reserve the right to update the contest timeline if they deem it necessary.