Description of the competition
Financial inclusion remains one of the main obstacles to economic and human development in Latin America. For example, in Argentica, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico only 9.1 million adults (or 13.9% of the adult population) have access to or use a commercial bank account.
Traditionally, access to bank accounts has been considered an indicator of financial inclusion. Despite the proliferation of mobile money in Latin America and the growth of innovative, state-of-the-art solutions, banks continue to play a key role in facilitating access to financial services.
Access to bank accounts allows households to save and facilitate payments, while helping businesses increase their credit capacity and improve their access to other financial services. Therefore, access to bank accounts is an essential contributor to long-term economic growth.
The goal of this competition is to create an automatic learning model to predict which people are most likely to have or use a bank account. The models and solutions developed can provide an indication of the state of financial inclusion in Argentica, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico, while providing an understanding of some of the key demographic factors that could drive people's financial outcomes.