Colin Catlin
Posted 6 months ago DATATHON ORGANISERSubmission upload broken? Or is it supposed to take 24 hours?
While the leaderboard does show some updated results, nothing I've uploaded works. That includes the submission example provided here… which really should work.
I've also tested my submissions and they meet all the specified formatting requirements as per the attached test code. So what's up?
# where 'submission' is my forecasts loaded in competition style df
example = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/Colin/Downloads/Submission Phase 1 - Random (3).csv")
assert submission.isnull().sum().sum() == 0
assert example.shape == submission.shape
example = example.set_index(["Client", "Warehouse", "Product"])
submission_compare = submission.set_index(["Client", "Warehouse", "Product"])
assert submission_compare.index.equals(example.index)
assert submission_compare.columns.equals(example.columns)