Flieber, Syrup Tech, and SupChains Launch an AI-Driven Supply Chain Forecasting Competition
This notebook describes how ETS/iETS from the smooth package in R can be used to produce forecasts. The score is 0.613417419243
Here is the R code for applying ETS/iETS (from this: https://openforecast.org/adam/) to the data and producing forecasts. The logic is as follows:
function from the `greybox` package in R.oes()
. This way model will not react on them.adam()
to fit the full model.All calculations are done in parallel, I work on Linux, which is why I use doMC
package. For Windows users, doParallel
should be used instead. I have 32 threads (AMD Ryzen 9 3950), and the whole code execution took approximately 5 minutes on my PC.
h <- 13
results <- foreach(i=1:ncol(VN1SalesT), .combine="rbind") %dopar% {
# Extract a time series
y <- VN1SalesT[-c(1:3),i]
# If there is more than two in-sample non-zero observation, do things
# If there are any zeroes, use iETS
# Detect stockouts
test <- aid(y)
# Create a matrix with stockout dummies
# The holdout is needed to produce correct forecasts for oes
# We assume that no stockouts will happen in the holdout period
xreg <- data.frame(y=c(as.vector(y),rep(NA,h)),
# Fit the occurrence model
oesModel <- oes(xreg$y, model="XXN", occurrence="direct", xreg=as.matrix(xreg)[,-1], holdout=TRUE, h=h)
# Fit the final model
test <- adam(y, "MNN", occurrence=oesModel, holdout=FALSE, h=h)
# Otherwise just do classical ETS model. lags=52 allows applying seasonal models
test <- adam(y, "ZXZ", lags=52, holdout=FALSE, h=h)
# If there is no more than two non-zero observation, fit ETS(A,N,N)
test <- adam(y, "ANN", holdout=FALSE, h=h)
# Produce forecasts
testForecast <- forecast(test, h=h, interval="none")
# Write down forecasts in a csv file
write.csv(results, file="Data/2024-09-24-Submission.csv")
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Arnold Kakas
Posted 6 months agoTejas Khandwekar
Posted 6 months ago